While looking at our new order of Beehive Nominee books, we came across 'Journey' by Aaron Becker. It is a magical book. It is wordless and the illustrations are amazing. After reading it, we found a video done by the author where he talks about the symbolism in the book. (The video is four and a half minutes long.) We are excited to share this book and video with third, fourth and fifth graders next week.
'Journey' by Aaron Becker
http://vimeo.com/74464059 is the link to the video.
Other great wordless (or almost wordless) books are:
The Lion and the Mouse, by J. Pinkney
Window by J. Baker
Zoom by I. Banyai
The Arrival by S. Tan
The Red Book by B. Lehman
Un-brella by S.E. Franson
Unspoken: a Story from the Underground Railroad by H. Cole
Flotsam by D. Wiesner
Thank you for all your great ideas!
Wow! Great blog entry! I like all of the additional information you have provided. Thank you.