We invited our students and staff to come in and take a spin through our library to see what's new. This bulletin board proved a great method to stir up some interest in our newly purchased books.
While looking at our new order of Beehive Nominee books, we came across 'Journey' by Aaron Becker. It is a magical book. It is wordless and the illustrations are amazing.After reading it, we found a video done by the author where he talks about the symbolism in the book. (The video is four and a half minutes long.) We are excited to share this book and video with third, fourth and fifth graders next week.
'Journey' by Aaron Becker http://vimeo.com/74464059 is the link to the video.
Other great wordless (or almost wordless) books are:
The Lion and the Mouse, by J. Pinkney Window by J. Baker Zoom by I. Banyai The Arrival by S. Tan The Red Book by B. Lehman Un-brella by S.E. Franson Unspoken: a Story from the Underground Railroad by H. Cole Flotsam by D. Wiesner