Sometimes the best way to find a good book to read is finding out what peers enjoy reading. Adults ask their friends, so do teens, and children too! Mrs Allison and Mrs Wilson just want to help make it a little easier to find out what peers are reading. Class lists of students favorite books are posted on the windows of the library. Maybe students will get lucky and find a book or two or MORE on the lists that they want to read!
How the favorite books lists were compiled:
First, we used two holidays, Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day, which makes it more fun for everyone involved. We collected the students favorite book titles the week of Valentine's Day with a large Valentine box in the library with hearts decorated on it with the saying, "Bella Vista Students Love to Read Books!" Each student wrote down his/her favorite book and put it in the Valentine's box. Since then, Mrs Allison and Mrs Wilson have compiled lists of the favorite books in order of classes and put them on the front windows of the library with the saying,"We are LUCKY to have favorite books to read!" Shamrocks are taped up on the windows and green paper is placed behind the class lists of books to add a festive touch. It is fun to use two holidays to create a new way to help students gain more interest in reading. The students favorite books class lists are also in a Book Lists binder in the library with Teachers Favorites, Newberys, Caldecott lists, etc. for students to access as well.